The leaves are gone from all the trees and the temperatures are continuing downward, which means winter is almost here. And I’m just sitting here thinking, “I hope it’s not too late for me to share some fall photos... from last year.”... *face palm.* You guys, I swear I don’t mean to hold these sessions back from you; I’m just not good at this whole social media/blog updating thing. I’ve been dying to share Kelsey and Jadde’s session since I took these last fall, and this blog post has been sitting as a draft on my website for way too long! So when I got on this morning to make some updates to my website, I saw this poor forgotten session sitting here and couldn’t delay any longer!
Growing up in Southern California had me a little bitter last year as I experienced, for the first time ever, what being cold really meant! Thanks a lot Missouri for your life lesson. And while I’m surely not a fan of what I now call “cold toe season,” I cannot deny that experiencing the beauty of fall here in Missouri was incredible!
I awed at this last gesture of warmth Mother Nature gifts us, before everything goes quiet and cold for the winter. I couldn’t believe my eyes as the leaves transitioned. Just a couple trees here and there at first; and then a full explosion of the most vivid reds, yellows, oranges, and rich warm browns. I remember trying to take videos on Snapchat for my friends back in California, only to delete them because it didn’t do this heavenly sight one ounce of justice!
To know me is to know that when I see something pretty (especially in nature), my thoughts immediately go to photographing a gorgeous glowing mama, or little newborn babe i whatever beautiful setting has caught my eye. Just like my spring session of Gigi in the bed of tulips, I couldn’t pass up this beautiful display of color! I put out a model call in, Trenton, MO where we were living at the time, and when Kelsey responded I knew she was perfect for this session! I mean...come on!!! Her natural flowing red locks matched the color of the leaves perfectly and had me googly-eyed as I shot these images!
So as I sit here in my plush comfy robe and warm fuzzy socks, I dream of warmer days and breathtaking rich colors that are gone too fast!!